Posted on Oct 5, 2016 in General, Prayer Requests |

The call to say “Yes”
By Alizabeth Massing on October 5th, 2016
God calls to us and we answer, but sometimes our answer isn’t right away the one He’s looking for. Even though God always has good things in store for our lives we can be hesitant to walk in the way He has called us. Ultimately we must come to the realization that obedience is best, and surrendering our all leads us straight into the Father’s open arms of freedom. Alizabeth Massing knows this personally, here is her testimony… Read more…
Posted on Sep 9, 2016 in General |

A Word from Pastor Don
It is the most wonderful time of the year! Fall weather that is, while the hot days of summer are ending and the cooler weather of fall begins.
As one season ends and the next begins, I find myself looking back at the mighty things the Lord is doing around me, with an absolute awe! He has revealed His mighty plan one day at a time. But there seems to be an expedition happening around us, as the Father is quickening His plan. The many miracles that are occurring have become much more frequent, with cancers being healed, depression being lifted, asthma and lung issues totally gone, back pain no more, heart conditions healed and the list goes on! All of these recent miracles have happened within our LHC family. Read more…
Posted on Aug 24, 2016 in General |

In our weekly time of intercession for our corporate church body, the word “Embrace” continues to be planted by the Lord into our spirits. We see the Lord stirring the hearts of people around us every time we gather together. This only begins to describe the desire that the Father yearns for us at Living Hope Church in this new season.
We have been in the Heritage Sanctuary for just over a year, and upon this fertile ground the Lord has begun establishing us among the Englewood community. This is why I believe that the Lord has been calling us to embrace what is beginning to happen at Living Hope Church. With great faith and expectation we welcome what the Lord is bringing into the NOW time, so that we may receive all that He has for us.
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Posted on Aug 23, 2016 in General |

Gracie’s Story
By Grace Eckstorm on August 5, 2016
Many would say that a church is known by its outward display and inward production, the attendance count on a Sunday morning, or even the experience of the Pastors who Shepherd, but here at Living Hope we believe that our church can be known by the testimonies of our people. The members of this body make up the very essence of who we strive to be, the image of Christ. So to help you get to know us better, we would like to introduce you to Grace Eckstorm. Here is her story…
I have been worshiping at Living Hope Church since December 20th, 2015. I attended a church in South Carolina, before I moved to Florida. It was the right church for me at the time and I believe that God placed me there for a purpose during that season of my life. Now that I have come to call LHC home, I see that God has placed me here for a purpose too. What has Jesus done for me since I came here? He had delivered me from a dark time in my life, and healed my heart for the future. I have been transformed by the lifting up of the Holy Spirit and the encouragement of my brothers and sister in Christ. With His undeniable presence at church I can be me, Grace Ann Eckstorm. I can sing, dance, shout, and be filled with the Holy Spirit like never before in my life. Read more…
Posted on Aug 23, 2016 in General |

Food for the Soul
By Bea Miller On July, 28th
Ministry is the outward expression of the church’s heart for Christ. In service to the members of the body and the greater community, Living Hope Church has various ministries that signify who we are and how we have committed ourselves to sharing the good news and spreading the love of Jesus. Our most recently founded ministry is Mission of Meals, a service for people in need of prepared dinners when they fall ill or have a family crisis.